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As we approach the summer season, there are so many events to attend. What’s your favourite event?
If you’re into fitness there are so many fun runs or events that revolve around different sports, such as beach volleyball or surfing competitions.

During the summer holidays, make sure you have the opportunity to get out and about and experience as many different things as possible; some are even free!

I recall a couple of years ago attending MSAC and a trapeze was set up. Wow, what an experience to swing from side to side and hang upside down, then being caught by a trapeze artist swinging in the opposite direction.

Another enjoyable experience was attending the Moonlight Cinema. About 7 years ago, we were approached to organise event massage for attendees at the Moonlight Cinema and it was such a fantastic experience for all!

As this is the last blog post for the year, have a safe and enjoyable Christmas break. Have fun and “Improve your Life’s experiences”