Have you ever contacted a service provider by telephone to arrange a home visit massage? Seems pretty straightforward really. You’d simply say, “I’d like to arrange a home visit massage”.
Am I right in thinking that if you’re male and you want a massage with a professionally qualified and insured therapist you would be flexible in whether the therapist is male or female?
Does it seem odd when a male potential client inquiring about a home massage insists that the therapist is a good-looking female therapist? What is the best way to counter that enquiry without upsetting the potential client? That potential client can also be a female requesting a male only therapist.
Is it OK to be blunt and say we provide professional “non-sexual” massages – “I presume you are seeking a professional non-sexual massage?”
At this point, the potential client either puts the phone down, there is silence on the phone or they say they called the wrong number!
If you have a different way of dealing with this type of query, please let me know!
Massage2Motivate excels in providing corporate massage, event massage, special care and aged care massage, and home visit massage services across Australia. Talk to us about your requirements to uplift, refresh and re-charge you, your staff or event attendees. www.massage2motivate.com.au